Results for 'Localization Of Memory'

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  1.  9
    Amnesia I: Neuroanatomicand clinical issues.Localization Of Memory - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg (eds.), Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press.
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    Cortical localization of working memory.Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch (eds.), Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press. pp. 285--298.
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    Ideas in the brain: The localization of memory traces in the eighteenth century.Timo Kaitaro - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):301-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ideas in the Brain: The Localization of Memory Traces in the Eighteenth CenturyTimo KaitaroPlato suggests in the Theaetetus that we imagine a piece of wax in our soul, a gift from the goddess of Memory. We are able to remember things when our perceptions or thoughts imprint a trace upon this piece of wax, in the same manner as a seal is stamped on wax. Plato (...)
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    The localization of general memory functions.James A. Horel - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):482-482.
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    The localization of cutaneous and muscular sensations and memories.No Authorship Indicated - 1895 - Psychological Review 2 (6):625-625.
  6. Memory systems in the brain and the localization of a memory.R. F. Thompson & J. J. Kim - 1996 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93 (24):13438-13444.
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    Auditory Image: Phenomenological Localization of the Problem.Anastasia Medova - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):531-553.
    The article aims to concretize the phenomenological account concerning the problem of an auditory image. The author considers auditory imagery as a scientific object and compares different treatments of the problem to fix the potential and advantages of its phenomenological interpretation. In the first stage of the study, the author distinguishes the key characteristics of the image by means the lexical analysis. This is the perceptual (predominantly visual) nature of an image, integrality, and essentiality (image as an idea). In the (...)
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    No Mental Life after Brain Death: The Argument from the Neural Localization of Mental Functions.Gualtiero Piccinini & Sonya Bahar - 2015 - In Keith Augustine & Michael Martin (eds.), The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 135-170.
    This paper samples the large body of neuroscientific evidence suggesting that each mental function takes place within specific neural structures. For instance, vision appears to occur in the visual cortex, motor control in the motor cortex, spatial memory in the hippocampus, and cognitive control in the prefrontal cortex. Evidence comes from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, brain stimulation, neuroimaging, lesion studies, and behavioral genetics. If mental functions take place within neural structures, mental functions cannot survive brain death. Therefore, there is no (...)
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    Localizing Memory and Recollection: The Sixteenth-Century Italian Commentaries on Aristotle’s De memoria et reminiscentia and the Question Concerning the Degrees of embodiment of the “Psychic” Processes.Roberto Lo Presti - 2018 - In Börje Bydén & Filip Radovic (eds.), The Parva Naturalia in Greek, Arabic and Latin Aristotelianism: Supplementing the Science of the Soul. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 325-341.
    In this paper I explore how early modern Italian Aristotelians understood Aristotle’s De memoria by focusing on three key-points of Aristotle’s theory of memory and recollection: the localization of memory in the perceptual part of the soul; the characterisation of phantasia and its association with the notions of koinē aisthēsis and prōton aisthētikon; the definition of recollection as “a kind of syllogism” and its account as an activity that implies the faculty of deliberating and is therefore restricted (...)
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  10. Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory.Jennifer Whiting - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (4):610.
    True to his longstanding bias against grand unifying theories, Hacking chooses to pursue these questions by focusing on a specific case of memory-thinking: the history of multiple personality. His excavation of the contemporary terrain leads him, however, to the surprisingly grand conclusion that the various sciences of memory—including neurological studies of localization, experimental studies of recall, and studies in the psychodynamics of memory—all emerged in connection with attempts to “scientize the soul,” as a result of which (...)
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  11. The role of auditory localization in attention and memory span.D. E. Broadbent - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (3):191.
  12. The compatibility of complex systems and reduction: A case analysis of memory research. [REVIEW]William Bechtel - 2001 - Minds and Machines 11 (4):483-502.
    Some theorists who emphasize the complexity of biological and cognitive systems and who advocate the employment of the tools of dynamical systems theory in explaining them construe complexity and reduction as exclusive alternatives. This paper argues that reduction, an approach to explanation that decomposes complex activities and localizes the components within the complex system, is not only compatible with an emphasis on complexity, but provides the foundation for dynamical analysis. Explanation via decomposition and localization is nonetheless extremely challenging, and (...)
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    Patterned Hippocampal Stimulation Facilitates Memory in Patients With a History of Head Impact and/or Brain Injury.Brent M. Roeder, Mitchell R. Riley, Xiwei She, Alexander S. Dakos, Brian S. Robinson, Bryan J. Moore, Daniel E. Couture, Adrian W. Laxton, Gautam Popli, Heidi M. Clary, Maria Sam, Christi Heck, George Nune, Brian Lee, Charles Liu, Susan Shaw, Hui Gong, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Theodore W. Berger, Sam A. Deadwyler, Dong Song & Robert E. Hampson - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:933401.
    Rationale: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the hippocampus is proposed for enhancement of memory impaired by injury or disease. Many pre-clinical DBS paradigms can be addressed in epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial monitoring for seizure localization, since they already have electrodes implanted in brain areas of interest. Even though epilepsy is usually not a memory disorder targeted by DBS, the studies can nevertheless model other memory-impacting disorders, such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Methods: Human patients undergoing Phase (...)
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    The cultural code of the Shtetl in Grigory Gorin's play "Memorial Prayer".Elena Romanovna Kotliar, Natal'ya Anatol'evna Zolotuhina & Arina Yur'evna Zolotuhina - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of our article is the identification of cultural codes of Eastern European shtetl towns in the play by Grigory Gorin "Memorial Prayer", the libretto of which was written by the author based on the works of the famous Yiddish writer Sholom Aleichem. The author of the article describes the history and conditions of localization of Jewish culture in Eastern Europe and the Russian Empire, the peculiarities of its transformation, the tragic history of the Jewish theater in the (...)
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    Human Memory as a Self‐organized Natural System.Bernard Ancori - 2019-12-16 - In The Carousel of Time. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 41–62.
    The emphasis placed by H. Atlan, like G. Bateson, on the reception of messages during communication between subsystems leads to a conception of learning, and more generally of human memory, surprisingly close to that proposed by I. Rosenfield on the basis of the work of G. M. Edelman. The authors stressed the close and reciprocal link between the theory of functional localization and the conception of memory, which they have just seen, radically refuted by Rosenfield. The theory (...)
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  16. Memory, Imprinting, and the Brain: An Inquiry Into Mechanisms.Gabriel Horn - 1985 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Ranging from behavioral to molecular levels of analysis, this informative study presents the results of recent research into the biochemistry and neural mechanisms of imprinting. Horn discusses some of the difficulties that researchers have encountered in analyzing the neural basis of memory and describes ways in which these difficulties have been overcome through the analysis of memories underlying habituation and imprinting. He also considers the biochemical consequences of imprinting and its cerebral localization, and examines the relationships between human (...)
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    Acetylated tau in Alzheimer's disease: An instigator of synaptic dysfunction underlying memory loss.Tara E. Tracy & Li Gan - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (4):1600224.
    Pathogenesis in tauopathies involves the accumulation of tau in the brain and progressive synapse loss accompanied by cognitive decline. Pathological tau is found at synapses, and it promotes synaptic dysfunction and memory deficits. The specific role of toxic tau in disrupting the molecular networks that regulate synaptic strength has been elusive. A novel mechanistic link between tau toxicity and synaptic plasticity involves the acetylation of two lysines on tau, K274, and K281, which are associated with dementia in Alzheimer's disease (...)
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    Le siège cérébral des facultés mentales au XVIIe siècle.Raphaële Andrault - 2023 - Astérion 28 (28).
    In 1810, Gall and Spurzheim proposed the following diagnosis: the scant of knowledge of the cerebral substratum responsible for mental faculties must be attributed to the excessive subservience of anatomy to metaphysics. In this article, we examine this historic judgement with reference to Niels Steensen’s Discourse on the Anatomy of the Brain. By presenting the cerebral localisation “systems” of which Steensen is critical (those proposed by the “ancients”, by Thomas Willis and Descartes), we will firstly provide an overview of the (...)
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    Time, Memory and Creativity.Michael R. Kelly - 2019 - In John Shand (ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 480–505.
    This chapter makes an introduction that focuses on the spirit of Henri Bergson's philosophy organized around his ambition to affect a transformation of life. His first major work, Time and Free Will (1888) examines the effect of a spatialized view of time come to dominate human life, infecting philosophy with a false dilemma regarding the freedom of the human will and social life with conformity. His second work, Matter and Memory (1896), examines the effects of the human condition and (...)
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    An Anatomy of Thought the Origin and Machinery of Mind.Ian Glynn - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    Love, fear, hope, calculus, and game shows-how do all these spring from a few delicate pounds of meat? Neurophysiologist Ian Glynn lays the foundation for answering this question in his expansive An Anatomy of Thought, but stops short of committing to one particular theory. The book is a pleasant challenge, presenting the reader with the latest research and thinking about neuroscience and how it relates to various models of consciousness. Combining the aim of a textbook with the style of a (...)
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    Visual Working Memory Resources Are Best Characterized as Dynamic, Quantifiable Mnemonic Traces.Bella Z. Veksler, Rachel Boyd, Christopher W. Myers, Glenn Gunzelmann, Hansjörg Neth & Wayne D. Gray - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (1):83-101.
    Visual working memory is a construct hypothesized to store a small amount of accurate perceptual information that can be brought to bear on a task. Much research concerns the construct's capacity and the precision of the information stored. Two prominent theories of VWM representation have emerged: slot-based and continuous-resource mechanisms. Prior modeling work suggests that a continuous resource that varies over trials with variable capacity and a potential to make localization errors best accounts for the empirical data. Questions (...)
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  22. Localisation of "unseen" visual stimuli: Blindsight in normal observers?Heinz Schärli, P. Brugger, M. Regard, C. Mohr & Th Landis - 2003 - Swiss Journal of Psychology - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Psychologie - Revue Suisse de Psychologie 62 (3):159-165.
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    Brain and psyche: the biology of the unconscious.Jonathan Winson - 1985 - New York: Vintage Books.
    A neurologist presents evidence for locating the unconscious--Freud's concept--within the actual physiology of the brain, in a study that explains current knowledge about perception, memory, sleep, dreams, and Freud's theory of the unconscious.
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  24. Systemic Localisation of the Subject in Psychological Research: Structural and Ontological Visualisation.Vitalii Shymko - 2016 - Bulletin of Kiev Taras Shevchenko University (Military-Special Sciences) 34 (1):47-51.
    The article proposes systematisation and development of the discourse of the East European methodological traditions regarding application of the systematic approach as a way of subject localisation in psychological research. In particular, the author’s version of systematic localisation of psychological research subjects by means of structural and ontological visualisations has been developed. The procedure proposed for systematic localisation of the researched subject includes four subsequent stages: 1) fixation of the borders and structure of the ontological field which is being studied; (...)
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  25.  59
    Understanding brain, mind and soul: Contributions from neurology and neurosurgery.S. K. Pandya - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):129.
    Treatment of diseases of the brain by drugs or surgery necessitates an understanding of its structure and functions. The philosophical neurosurgeon soon encounters difficulties when localising the abstract concepts of mind and soul within the tangible 1300-gram organ containing 100 billion neurones. Hippocrates had focused attention on the brain as the seat of the mind. The tabula rasa postulated by Aristotle cannot be localised to a particular part of the brain with the confidence that we can localise spoken speech to (...)
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    Wonders in Stone and Space: Theological Dimensions of the Miracle Accounts in Celano and Bonaventure.Timothy J. Johnson - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:71-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This essay considers hagiography as a spatial-theological genre emerging, so to speak, from the crypts of Christian martyrs where liturgical celebrations commemorate their paradoxical witness to the Paschal mystery, whereby the faithful gain eternal life through temporal death. Later the virtues and miracles of holy men and women, such as ascetics, bishops, mystics and founders of religious communities, are recounted in vitae intended for liturgical offices and contemplative reflection. (...)
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  27. Clinical localisation of oculomotor disturbances.R. Sachsenweger - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 2--312.
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  28. The localisation of isolated cranial nerve lesions.D. Taverner - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 2--52.
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    The Chief Role of Frontal Operational Module of the Brain Default Mode Network in the Potential Recovery of Consciousness from the Vegetative State: A Preliminary Comparison of Three Case Reports.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts, Sergio Bagnato, Cristina Boccagni & Giuseppe Galardi - 2016 - The Open Neuroimaging Journal 10:41-51.
    It has been argued that complex subjective sense of self is linked to the brain default-mode network (DMN). Recent discovery of heterogeneity between distinct subnets (or operational modules - OMs) of the DMN leads to a reconceptualization of its role for the experiential sense of self. Considering the recent proposition that the frontal DMN OM is responsible for the first-person perspective and the sense of agency, while the posterior DMN OMs are linked to the continuity of ‘I’ experience (including autobiographical (...)
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    The localisation of fallacy.Alfred Sidgwick - 1882 - Mind 7 (25):55-64.
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    Localisation of brain-funotions.Editor Editor - 1882 - Mind 26:299-302.
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    Dissecting the cannabinergic control of behavior: The where matters.Arnau Busquets-Garcia, Tifany Desprez, Mathilde Metna-Laurent, Luigi Bellocchio, Giovanni Marsicano & Edgar Soria-Gomez - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (11):1215-1225.
    The endocannabinoid system is the target of the main psychoactive component of the plant Cannabis sativa, the Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This system is composed by the cannabinoid receptors, the endogenous ligands, and the enzymes involved in their metabolic processes, which works both centrally and peripherally to regulate a plethora of physiological functions. This review aims at explaining how the site‐specific actions of the endocannabinoid system impact on memory and feeding behavior through the cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1R). Centrally, CB1R is widely (...)
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    Tocqueville and Democratic Historical Consciousness.Madison 500 Lincoln, Identity in the History of Political Thought U. S. A. His Research Examines the Role of Memory, the Politics of Historiographical Interpretation He has Published Articles on Epictetus A. Particular Focus on Twentieth-Century Spanish Liberalismhe is Also Interested in the Philosophy of History, Gadamer Jefferson & Ortega Y. Gasset - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-18.
    This article assesses to what extent the future of democratic liberty depends upon its citizens employing a proper approach to the past, by analyzing Tocqueville’s views of three kinds of historical consciousness—aristocratic, revolutionary, and democratic. It is argued that democracies require certain aristocratic assumptions about historical dynamics to cultivate a historical consciousness that fosters liberty. Key to this is the belief in the human capacity to influence the trajectory of history. Tocqueville’s historical approach, which blends aristocratic and democratic elements, is (...)
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    Bergson i virtuelnost memorije.Mark Lošonc - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):371-387.
    This paper deals with the notion of virtual memory in Bergson?s philosophy, with special regard to the question of the independence of memory and the complex intertwining of spiritual recollections with perception. Attention is devoted to the Bergsonian analysis of the actualization of virtual contents. The author also confronts the Bergsonian notion of unconscious with that of Freud?s. It seems that the notion of virtual memory is relevant not only from a psychological or an epistemological perspective, but (...)
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  35. What have we learned about the engram?Jonathan Najenson - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9581-9601.
    The discovery of the engram, the physical substrate of memory, is a central challenge for the sciences of memory. Following the application of optogenetics to the neurobiological study of memory, scientists and philosophers claim that the engram has been found. In this paper, I evaluate the implications of applying optogenetic tools to the localization of the engram. I argue that conceptions of engram localization need to be revised to be made consistent with optogenetic studies of (...)
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    Brisures de symetrie hierarchisant Les niveaux d'organisation.A. Laforgue - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):221-235.
    1. The sequence of the organisation levels is regarded as originating from a sequence of symmetry breakings. Each breaking generates a more improbable structure. In addition to the Euclidian symmetries, homogeneity, isotropy, translation, rotation, helix displacement, neutrality and even indiscernibility can be broken. Here are considered the initial and the subatomic breaking molecular morphogenesis and other higher breakings.2.1 HOMOGENEITY BREAKING OF THE VACUUM SPACE. We studied this as a new model of wave-corpuscle relation. Every noticeable point breaks the space homogeneity. (...)
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  37. The Goulstonian lectures on the localisation of cerebral disease.David Ferrier - 1878 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 6:164-172.
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    The Brain and the Unity of Conscious Experience. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):366-366.
    In the Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lecture for 1965 Eccles uses his considerable knowledge to argue that neurophysiology can give clues to the physical requirements of the unity of conscious experience, but it cannot fully account for it. The way is thus left open to postulate or believe in the special creation of the soul as the principle of self-identity. Specifically, Eccles argues that self-identity is not reducible to gene identity. He does not, however, go into the problems surrounding the (...)
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  39. The Encoding of Spatial Information During Small-Set Enumeration.Harry Haladjian, Manish Singh, Zenon Pylyshyn & Randy Gallistel - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
    Using a novel enumeration task, we examined the encoding of spatial information during subitizing. Observers were shown masked presentations of randomly-placed discs on a screen and were required to mark the perceived locations of these discs on a subsequent blank screen. This provided a measure of recall for object locations and an indirect measure of display numerosity. Observers were tested on three stimulus durations and eight numerosities. Enumeration performance was high for displays containing up to six discs—a higher subitizing range (...)
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  40. Clinical and physiological researches on the nervous system. I. On the localisation of movements in the brain.J. Hughlings Jackson - 1876 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1:214-216.
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    Is Memory Purely Preservative?Two Forms Of Memory - 2001 - In Christoph Hoerl & Teresa McCormack (eds.), Time and memory: issues in philosophy and psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 213.
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    A bayesian analysis of excess content and the localisation of support.Colin Howson & Allan Franklin - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (4):425-431.
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    Localization of for Manuscript Description in the Iranian-Islamic Information Context.Asefeh Asemi, Ahmad Shabani, Seyed Mahdi Taheri, Mozaffar Cheshmeh Sohrabi & Morteza Mohammadi Ostani - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 48 (5):345-356.
    This study aims to assess the localization of for manuscript description in the Iranian-Islamic information context using documentary and qualitative content analysis. The introduces schemas for different Web content objects so as to generate structured data. Given that the structure of is ontological, the inheritance of the manuscript types from the properties of their parent types, as well as the localization and description of the specific properties of the manuscripts in the Iranian-Islamic information context were (...)
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  44. Localisation versus Globalisation – Claim and Reality of Mobile and Context-aware Applications of the Internet.Klaus Wiegerling - 2004 - International Review of Information Ethics 2.
    In the vision of ubiquitous computing it should be possible to create situational and context-aware applications of the internet. But there is a conflict between the global claim of the system and the context-aware local application. First of all it must be clear, what context means. Is the context determined by the material local environment or by the special intention of a person’s action. What role do cultural factors with their historical implications and scales of value play? The meaning of (...)
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    Localization of beta power decrease as measure for lateralization in pre-surgical language mapping with magnetoencephalography, compared with functional magnetic resonance imaging and validated by Wada test.Kirsten Herfurth, Yuval Harpaz, Julie Roesch, Nadine Mueller, Katrin Walther, Martin Kaltenhaeuser, Elisabeth Pauli, Abraham Goldstein, Hajo Hamer, Michael Buchfelder, Arnd Doerfler, Julian Prell & Stefan Rampp - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:996989.
    Objective: Atypical patterns of language lateralization due to early reorganizational processes constitute a challenge in the pre-surgical evaluation of patients with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy. There is no consensus on an optimal analysis method used for the identification of language dominance in MEG. This study examines the concordance between MEG source localization of beta power desynchronization and fMRI with regard to lateralization and localization of expressive and receptive language areas using a visual verb generation task.Methods: Twenty-five patients with pharmaco-resistant epilepsy, (...)
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  46. The Argument from Brain Damage Vindicated.Rocco J. Gennaro & Yonatan I. Fishman - 2015 - In Keith Augustine & Michael Martin (eds.), The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 105-133.
    It has long been known that brain damage has important negative effects on one’s mental life and even eliminates one’s ability to have certain conscious experiences. It thus stands to reason that when all of one’s brain activity ceases upon death, consciousness is no longer possible and so neither is an afterlife. It seems clear that human consciousness is dependent upon functioning brains. This essay reviews some of the overall neurological evidence from brain damage studies and concludes that our argument (...)
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  47. Norman M. Weinberger.Forms Of Memory - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch (eds.), Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press.
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    Cortical localization of symbolic processes in the rat: III. Impairment of anticipatory functions in prefrontal lobectomy in rats.Marvin A. Epstein & Clifford T. Morgan - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 32 (6):453.
  49. Working memory, inhibitory control and the development of children's reasoning.Dr Simon J. Handley, A. Capon, M. Beveridge, I. Dennis & J. St BT Evans - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):175 – 195.
    The ability to reason independently from one's own goals or beliefs has long been recognised as a key characteristic of the development of formal operational thought. In this article we present the results of a study that examined the correlates of this ability in a group of 10-year-old children ( N = 61). Participants were presented with conditional and relational reasoning items, where the content was manipulated such that the conclusion to the arguments were either congruent, neutral, or incongruent with (...)
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  50. Feeling the past: beyond causal content.Gerardo Viera - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 64:173-188.
    Memories often come with a feeling of pastness. The events we remember strike us as having occurred in our past. What accounts for this feeling of pastness? In his recent book, Memory: A self-referential account, Jordi Fernández argues that the feeling of pastness cannot be grounded in an explicit representation of the pastness of the remembered event. Instead, he argues that the feeling of pastness is grounded in the self-referential causal content of memory. In this paper, I argue (...)
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